I am a professional UK/chinese comic artist currently living in Shanghai.
I have been drawing since 1998 and have been published internationally including China, USA, France and the UK.
Works Highlight
Swing #2
, Top Cow/ Image
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D: 1956
, Dark Horse
Scream & Misty special
, 2000 AD
, Top Cow/ Image
Lady Di and Me
, Glenat
Buffy: The High School Years--Parental Parasite
, Dark Horse
Buffy: The High School Years--Glutton for Punishment
, Dark Horse
Buffy: The High School Years--Freaks & Geeks
, Dark Horse
Paradox Girl
, Top Cow/ Image
Convergence: Blue Beetle 1 and 2
, DC Comics
Accro du Shopping (Comic version of 'Confessions of a Shopaholic') Jungle/Casterman, France
Will Supervillains be on the Final?: Del rey, USA
Mini Manga series: Search Press, UK
One Million Manga Characters: Andrews Mcmeel, USA,
The Clique, Yen press, USA
Shoujo Art Studio, Random House, USA
Some Other Published Works
New Start: Beijing Comic, China, 1999
In My Memory: Youth Comic, China, 2002
Our Dormitory: Comic King, China, 2003
Spirit Marked: Yaoi Press, USA, 2005
Aluria Chronicles: Yaoi Press, USA, 2006
Adventures of CG!: CosmoGril Magazine, USA, August 2007 to May 2008 Monthly
Cutie B #1 and 2: Dargard, France, March, 2008
les Contes du Boudoir Hante #1-3: Delcourt, France, May, 2008
500 Manga Creatures: Ilex, May, 2008
Call of the Deep:Barringtonstoke, May, 2008
Manga Females Clip Art: Ilex Press, UK, 2009; andrews mcmeel, usa, 2009
How to Draw Manga and Anime: Bridgewater books, UK, 2009
The Complete Shojo Art Kit: Ilex Press, UK, 2009; watson-guptill, usa, 2009
Les Contes du Boudoir Hante #3: Delcourt, France, 2010
The Clique: Yen Press, USA, 2010
One Million Manga Characters: Andrews McMeel, USA, 2010
500 Manga Villains and Heros: Harper Collins, USA, 2010
Mini Manga series: Search Press, UK, 2010
Accro du Shopping (Comic version of 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' ): Jungle/Casterman, France, 2012
How to draw Manga Boys/ Girls: Search Press, UK, 2015